Do You Have Any Idea How EASY This Is Going To Be?

We've Made PA Resume& Cover Letter Writing
So Simple It's Almost...Unfair

👇 Watch Our Cracking The Code Webinar For Details👇

Welcome To The

Cracking The Code Career Workshop

For Physician Assistants

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Do You Have Any Idea How EASY This Is Going To Be?

We've Made PA Resume & Cover Letter Writing
So Simple It's Almost...Unfair

👇 Watch Our Cracking The Code Webinar For Details👇

Welcome To The

Cracking The Code Career Workshop

For Physician Assistants

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Offer will expire in: 

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Is Your Answer "YES" To Any Of These Questions?

  • Do you want to really learn how to master a PA-C resume, but you have NO IDEA where to start?
  • Do you want to avoid feeling left behind by less talented PA's who simply figured out how to write a more compelling resume than you?
  • Do you wonder where you're going to find the time to finish school, study for the PANCE and still find a great job?
  • ​Do you just want to be happy in a job you love -- after all your work and sacrifice -- and can't even believe that you have to still worry about this stuff?!
  • ​Are you about to launch your PA-C career, and want to make sure it's a huge success!?!

If You Checked ANY Of The Boxes Above, Then I Want To Invite You To Try The Cracking The Code Workshop
And Change Your PA-C Career Forever!

So, Here Is How The Workshop Works...

The Cracking The Code Workshop only costs $197.This covers your materials during the Workshop (more info on this below).

Then In Exchange For That $197 Investment, You Get ALL Of This:

  • "Beat The Bot" 5-Day Resume Challenge: ($497 Value)
  • ​ResumeBoss 6 Month Enterprise Account ($582 Value)
  • InnerBoss X-Ray Tool: ($197 Value)
  • ​Top 10 Toughest Interview Questions For PAs: ($197 Value)
  • ​​What NOT To Do In Your First PA Job: ($297 Value)
  • ​​Interview Game Workshop (minimum attendance required) ($97 Value)

Total Value: $1,867

If you want to get your PA-C resume crafted and land your DREAM JOB, then this is the mission we’re giving you...

Do YOU Accept?

Then In Exchange For That $197 Investment, You Get ALL Of This:

  • "Beat The Bot" 5-Day Resume Challenge: ($497 Value)
  • ​ResumeBoss 6 Month Enterprise Account ($582 Value)
  • InnerBoss X-Ray Tool: ($197 Value)
  • ​Top 10 Toughest Interview Questions For PAs: ($197 Value)
  • ​​What NOT To Do In Your First PA Job: ($297 Value)
  • ​​Interview Game Workshop (minimum attendance required) ($97 Value)

Total Value: $1,867

If you want to get your PA-C resume crafted and land your DREAM JOB, then this is the mission we’re giving you...

Do YOU Accept?

Need More Information Before You Make Your Decision...?

Let Me Break Down All The Awesome Stuff You'll Get When You Get ResumeBoss Today!

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The First Thing You'll Get Is Access To...

The Cracking The Code

Digital Workshop

Led by Trainers Debora & Robert Accomando and the Cracking The Code Consulting Team, this challenge is designed to help you Customize and IMPLEMENT your PA-C resume for your DREAM JOB fast!

Step #1

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"The Strategy"

You will have access to a ResumeBoss For Physician Assistants members area where you will be given a "One Pager" mission guide with the exact step by step tactics you need to implement to complete that step.

There will be mission videos showing HOW to implement the strategy as well as a digital workbook to help keep everything clear!

Step #2

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"The Tactics"

You will use the "One Pager" mission guide to walk you through the steps needed to complete your resume building task for the lesson. That task will require you to do some due diligence on your dream organization and your dream job.

These missions will take about an hour or so to complete for each dream job to which you wish to apply.

Step #3

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You will also use the "One Pager" and the accompanying video guides to complete your job application.

We will include guides for three different job application options to make sure you get your foot in the door at your dream company, including some companies and jobs that aren't even posted!

Want Proof It Works?

Listen To What Our PAs Have To
Say About Our Training...

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Rob & Deb webp

The First Thing You'll Get Is Access To...

The Cracking The Code

Digital Workshop

The First Thing You'll Get Is Access To...

Cracking The Code

Digital Workshop

Led by Trainers Debora & Robert Accomando and the Cracking The Code Consulting Team, this challenge is designed to help you Customize and IMPLEMENT your PA-C resume for your DREAM JOB fast!

Step #1

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"The Strategy"

You will have access to a ResumeBoss For Physician Assistants members area where you will be given a "One Pager" mission guide with the exact step by step tactics you need to implement to complete that step.

There will be mission videos showing HOW to implement the strategy as well as a digital workbook to help keep everything clear!

Step #2

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"The Tactics"

You will use the "One Pager" mission guide to walk you through the steps needed to complete your resume building task for the lesson. That task will require you to do some due diligence on your dream organization and your dream job.

These missions will take about an hour or so to complete for each dream job to which you wish to apply.

Step #3

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You will also use the "One Pager" and the accompanying video guides to complete your job application.

We will include guides for three different job application options to make sure you get your foot in the door at your dream company, including some companies and jobs that aren't even posted!

Want Proof It Works?

Listen To What Our PAs Have To
Say About Our Training...

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Here Is What ELSE
You're Going To Get...

Here Is What ELSE
You're Going To Get...

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We are including The “Beat The Bot” 5-Day Resume Challenge in this Workshop!

This challenge dissects the exact steps for getting your resume past the gatekeeper and into the hiring managers hands.

We’ve literally taken all the lessons we’ve learned over
20 years of recruiting and placing diamond in the rough candidates in some of the best healthcare organizations in the world.

And we’ve condensed all that hard earned experience into
FIVE easy to digest lessons made specifically for Physician Assistants so that you can do it too!

We are going to teach you every step in the process
from modeling the perfect PA in your resume all the way to writing a killer cover letter.

Super manageable,
bite sized lessons spread out over 5 easy days!

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The Next Thing You'll Get Is Access To...

The 'Beat The Bot'

5-Day Resume Challenge

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We are including The “Beat The Bot” 5-Day Resume Challenge in this Workshop!

This challenge dissects the exact steps for getting your resume past the gatekeeper and into the hiring managers hands.

We’ve literally taken all the lessons we’ve learned over
20 years of recruiting and placing diamond in the rough candidates in some of the best healthcare organizations in the world.

And we’ve condensed all that hard earned experience into
FIVE easy to digest lessons made specifically for Physician Assistants so that you can do it too!

We are going to teach you every step in the process
from modeling the perfect PA in your resume all the way to writing a killer cover letter.

Super manageable,
bite sized lessons spread out over 5 easy days!

Here Is What ELSE
You're Going To Get...

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Next we are including FREE access to ResumeBoss forSIX FULL MONTHS!

This is the software that literally writes your resume for you AND THEN checks it against the job description of the job you want to help you STRENGTHEN the match so you’re resume makes it to the top of the pile...

Pretty cool, right?

With direct access to ResumeBoss, you’ll be able to…

Create an amazing physician assistant resume in minutes…

Express all of your work, academic experience and clinical experience in a fraction of the time it normally takes…

Create an unlimited number of custom resumes perfect for the jobs you’re most interested in…

Quickly and easily increase your resume’s match percentage for the job you want virtually guaranteeing that your resume gets past the gatekeeper… every time!

It's literally an UNFAIR ADVANTAGE!

Here Is Your Task,

(Should You Choose To Accept This Opportunity...)

Your Challenge Is To TAKE ACTION
And Complete The Tasks Given To You,

For Each Dream PA-C Job You Want

Yes, there will be some research you'll need to do...

Yes, some of it will be new to you and you won't be sure if your doing everything exactly right in the beginning...

BUT every day, you will be taking concrete steps towards landing your dream job and truly STARTING YOUR LIFE!

Our only question for you is...

"Do You Truly Want
To Live The Life Of Your Dreams?"

By The Time You've Completed
The Cracking The Code Digital Workshop, You'll Be Scheduling Interviews For Your Dream Job!

Not only will we help you figure out how to draft the perfect resume for your dream job, but you’ll have it created and FINISHED by the end of the challenge!

And, you’ll be able to share it with each of the companies you're super excited about, and turn those job applications into interviews -- and ultimately in to your DREAM JOB!

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Yes, there will be some research you'll need to do...

Yes, some of it will be new to you and you won't be sure if your doing everything exactly right in the beginning...

BUT every day, you will be taking concrete steps towards landing your dream job and truly STARTING YOUR LIFE!

Our only question for you is...

"Do You Truly Want
To Live The Life Of Your Dreams?"

By The Time You've Completed
The Cracking The Code Digital Workshop, You'll Be Scheduling Interviews For Your Dream Job!

Not only will we help you figure out how to draft the perfect resume for your dream job, but you’ll have it created and FINISHED by the end of the challenge!

And, you’ll be able to share it with each of the companies you're super excited about, and turn those job applications into interviews -- and ultimately in to your DREAM JOB!

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But WAIT... there's


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When you buy The Cracking The Code Workshop today (for just $197) I'm going to give you THREE POWERFUL BONUSES absolutely FREE that will boost your confidence in all of your interviews after ResumeBoss gets you in the door!

Let me give show you a glimpse at the incredible value that comes with your $197 purchase today!

Bonus #1:

InnerBoss X-Ray Tool

($97 Value)


This motivation assessment tool is used by employers to figure out your what drives you -- your HOT BUTTONS -- to see if you'll be a good "fit" for a PA role. Now you have the inside info too and you can use it to help you! Distinguish yourself from the pack using a proven assessment report!

  • KNOW IT: Understand what personality traits you naturally possess that make you a great physician assistant candidate.
  • USE IT: Use the report during any interview process to PROVE you have THE RIGHT STUFF for the PA job you're applying for (...rather than just saying you do).
  • DO IT AGAIN: You can reprint the report and use it for EACH of your interviews!

Bonus #2:

We've interviewed some of the top physician assistant leaders from all over the United States to understand the TOUGHEST QUESTIONS they ask their PA candidates during their interviews AND how to ANSWER THEM! And now, you don't have to read some book to tell you what to do - sit back, press play, and learn all the secrets!

  • ​IMPROVE IT: Take concrete steps to improve your interview skills to make you an even stronger PA candidate at interview time.
  • TELL IT: Answer the "what is your greatest weakness?" question, with the honest and authentic story of how you took a gap and made it one of your greatest strengths. Boom!
  • DO IT AGAIN: Use these secrets for ALL your interviews for the rest of your life - FREE!

Top 10 Toughest Interview Questions For PAs

($197 Value)

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Top 10 Toughest Interview Questions For PAs

($197 Value)

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We've interviewed some of the top physician assistant leaders from all over the United States to understand the TOUGHEST QUESTIONS they ask their PA candidates during their interviews AND how to ANSWER THEM! And now, you don't have to read some book to tell you what to do - sit back, press play, and learn all the secrets!

  • ​IMPROVE IT: Take concrete steps to improve your interview skills to make you an even stronger PA candidate at interview time.
  • TELL IT: Answer the "what is your greatest weakness?" question, with the honest and authentic story of how you took a gap and made it one of your greatest strengths. Boom!
  • DO IT AGAIN: Use these secrets for ALL your interviews for the rest of your life - FREE!

Bonus #3:

What NOT To Do In Your First PA Job

($297 Value)

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Everyone tries to tell you what to do when starting your PA career, but NOBODY tells you what NOT to do. We thought you'd like to know so you don't get side-swiped by a mistake you couldn't have even seen coming.

  • ​PREPARE FOR IT: Get the inside information from some of the TOP physician assistant leaders in the US on how to conduct yourself when you start your professional career.
  • LEARN IT: Go in armed with the "answers to the test" in advance.
  • DO IT: When the time comes, be ready to win!

These Bonuses Are ALL Inside The Cracking The Code Members Area...

  • Cracking The Code Video Guide: online video workshop makes it a snap to master the simple resume building steps from TOP experts
  • The 'One-Pager' Workbook: digital workbook companion makes it simple to work through the video training, step-by-step
  • ​...and the InnerBoss X-Ray Tool BONUSES: professional motivators assessment test and development tool custom created just for YOU!

Yes... for about the cost of dinner and drinks for two at a decent restaurant, you can get access to a framework that took me about 20 YEARS to perfect...

As you can probably see, getting access to The Cracking The Code Workshop is like having me, and my entire recruiting team as your own personal resume coaches!

The only difference is that you couldn't buy a 1 hour consulting call with me for $197.

In fact, right now the CHEAPEST you can hire me to "pick my brain" is $5,000 for one day.

So, to get these trainings with all of us, for just $197 is crazy!

Yet you get everything we talked about above for FREE when you buy Cracking The Code for only $197 today!

So, are you excited yet!?! If so, then NOW is the time to take action!

Do You Want Even
MORE Proof?

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This Workshop Is NOT For Everyone!

If you want to watch the videos every day, and say “Thanks, Deb! That was some great info!”

...but never actually do anything with it, that’s your choice.

(But chances are, you will end up doing what so many other Physician Assistants do - especially those coming right out of school. Send a generic resume to as many job openings that you can find and take the first decent offer you get. If that’s what you want to do, then this challenge is probably not for you).


If you are willing to roll up your sleeves and do just a little bit of work …

If you want to be trained by Debora Accomando, and have her DRIVE you toward your DREAM JOB...

If you need a good hard NUDGE from a trainer who will hold your feet to the fire, and make sure that you get these steps COMPLETED...

Then we invite you to accept our invitation to get Cracking The Code, and start the first day of the rest of your life in CONTROL OF YOUR DESTINY!

So, What's The Catch...?

We're offering this workshop because we KNOW that when you have success landing your dream job, you're more likely to use Nutmeg Healthcare Recruiters to grow your career.

And we will have a deep reservoir of outstanding, career-focused PA-C's that we can place in our clients' healthcare organizations for years and years...

That's it... that's our "evil" ulterior motive - for you to have success so you will use our recruiting firm to advance your career.

In fact, the $197 you spend barely covers the cost of ... well, anything!

In fact, I have to PAY tens of thousands of dollars every year just to be able to offer you the InnerBoss X-Ray Tool and the related benefits.

It costs these employers between $150 - $200 per test -- and these are the same tools and reports you're getting here FREE! That's sort of -- well, nuts.

So, we actually lose money for each PA who gets the Cracking The Code Digital Workshop.

And the few of you who signup without your school or PA friend telling you, you probably found out about it because I paid for an ad on LinkedIn, Facebook or Youtube to get you here.

Either way, I REALLY make very little, and in most cases lose money for each person who joins this Workshop.

So, why would I do this?

Because we have a philosophy here at Nutmeg Healthcare Recruiters, that if we can't make you money, then we don't deserve any of yours.

So our goal is to help you make money... then hopefully you'll chose to re-invest some of those profits back into the products and services that we sell.

Does that sound more than fair? :)

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Why Is It CRITICAL That I Get This Right Now?!

For those of you who are like - why do I need to do this right now? -- maybe you’re not interviewing right now or you’re still finishing up PA school...

First -- I can’t offer these tools for $197 forever.

We’re trying to get the word out there in anticipation of some larger product launches we are doing in the future.

We are going to be selling these things as part of some larger interview preparation offers that might not be right for you.

The starting price on those separate offers WILL be in the hundreds so right now, you can get all this great stuff -- the Beat The Bot Workshop -- all the great bonuses -- everything for just $197 which is insanely cheap.

Which is why you have to order right now -- not later.

But, more importantly, what about the patients you could have helped that won't have a chance to get the benefit of your gift doing what you do in the job you LOVE...

because you waited to properly craft your resume on your own?! Ugh.

There is an old Chinese proverb that says, "the best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago... but the 2nd best time, is NOW."

NOW is the best time for you to take advantage of this incredible offer to get Cracking The Code Workshop for just $197.

I mean, come on.

Is There A Guarantee...?

Of course...

I guarantee that if you participate in the Workshop, do the employer / company and job research, and actually implement what you learn... the time the Workshop is done, you will have a complete, job specific resume that has an infinitely higher chance of getting you an interview than had you sent a generic resume.


If for some reason you don't feel like that is true, then you can cancel within 3 days from the course start date, and receive a full refund of $197.

Pretty simple.

But if you're like most people, this Workshop experience will change the way you think about your PA career forever

(...and for some of you, it'll change your life!)

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Here's What To Do Next...

From here it's just finalizing the details.

Click on the button below and create your account, then we can finally get started!

Thanks for taking the time to read this letter and watch the video and I look forward to hearing your success story at the end of the Cracking The Code Digital Workshop!

Debora Accomando

P.S. In case you're one of those people (like me) who just skip to the end of the letter, here's the deal:

When you Cracking The Code Workshop today (for just $197) I'm going to give you six months of free access to the ResumeBoss software so you can draft your resumes and cover letters quickly and easily, the "InnerBoss X-Ray" Tool to better understand your inherent motivators as a PA, the 10 Toughest Interview Questions Video to help you set the right career track, and a video explaining What NOT To Do In Your First PA Job with advice from some of the TOP PA leaders across the country...

PLUS, you’ll get the experience where you work with myself, and the ResumeBoss Consulting Team to get your first (or next) physician assistant resume crafted for your DREAM JOB!

Oh, and if for some crazy reason you don't love the Workshop - email us and we'll refund your $197.

Sound fair?

Then what are you waiting for!?!

Get the Cracking The Code Digital Workshop today!

Here's A Recap

Of Exactly What You'll Get for $197

When You Order Cracking The Code TODAY!

  • ​"Beat The Bot" 5-Day Resume Challenge: ($497 Value)
  • ​ResumeBoss 6 Month Enterprise Account ($582 Value)
  • ​InnerBoss X-Ray Tool: ($197 Value)
  • ​​Top 10 Toughest Interview Questions For PAs: ($197 Value)
  • ​​What NOT To Do In Your First PA Job: ($297 Value)
  • ​​Interview Game Workshop (min. attendance required) ($97 Value)
  • ​"Beat The Bot" 5-Day Resume Challenge: ($497 Value)
  • ​ResumeBoss 6 Month Enterprise Account ($582 Value)
  • ​InnerBoss X-Ray Tool: ($197 Value)
  • ​​Top 10 Toughest Interview Questions For PAs: ($197 Value)
  • ​​What NOT To Do In Your First PA Job: ($297 Value)
  • ​​Interview Game Workshop (min. attendance required) ($97 Value)

Total Value: $1,867

If you want to land your dream PA-C job and start building your career right out of the gate, then this is the mission we’re giving you...

Get Cracking The Code Digital Workshop Today!

~ For Only $197 ~

YES! Give Me Instant Access To The
Cracking The Code Workshop
RIGHT NOW For Just $197.00 !

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  • ​"Beat The Bot" 5-Day Resume Challenge: ($497 Value)
  • ​ResumeBoss 6 Month Enterprise Account ($582 Value)
  • ​InnerBoss X-Ray Tool: ($197 Value)
  • ​​Top 10 Toughest Interview Questions For PAs: ($197 Value)
  • ​​What NOT To Do In Your First PA Job: ($297 Value)
  • ​​Interview Game Workshop (min. attendance required) ($97 Value)

Select Your Product



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Select Your Product


Crack The Code Workshop
Crack The Code Workshop Payment Option
$42.00 / month
$42 today + 5 monthly payments of $42

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Interview Hacks For PAs ($7.00)$7 ONE TIME SPECIAL OFFER: I want the SECRETS that top PHYSICIAN ASSISTANTS use to land their DREAM JOBS at the best organizations at a $10 DISCOUNT from the regular price! I NEED an easy interview HACKS overview that's simple to read and even easier to follow. For only $7? Are you kidding?!

Order Summary

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By providing us with your information you are consenting to the collection and use of your information in accordance with our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.

shutterstock_1256343829 jpg
  • ​"Beat The Bot" Resume 5-Day Resume Challenge: ($497 Value)
  • ​ResumeBoss 6 Month Enterprise Account ($582 Value)
  • ​InnerBoss X-Ray Tool: ($197 Value)
  • ​​Top 10 Toughest Interview Questions For PAs: ($197 Value)
  • ​​What NOT To Do In Your First PA Job: ($297 Value)
  • ​​Interview Game Workshop (min. attendance required) ($97 Value)

Everything You're Going To Get

Total Value: $1,867

Today Just $197